Traditional Chinese Medicine is a system of medicine that is comprised of multiple working parts including Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, dietary therapy, tui~na massage and lifestyle advice. In clinical practice over the last 2000 years, TCM is a complete medical system that is based on complete diagnosis including tongue and pulse and is used to treat and prevent a wide variety of conditions including pain, athletic injury, stroke, fertility, pregnancy care, women's health and mental health, specifically stress and PTSD.
Why Try Acupuncture?
It is unique to you, the individual. This is one of the great benefits to you and strengths of Chinese Medicine. At the same time one does not need a Western diagnosis to treat symptoms - thus helping those individual who have 'no known condition' - Chinese medicine can help. Therefore, whether you have a new health concern or a chronic condition and are looking for new treatment options, are focused on stress management or are being proactive with disease prevention, Chinese medicine may be the right choice for you.
Areas of Focus
Pain - Acupuncture is supported by the World Health Organization and Western Medicine for it's ability to relieve pain and help manage chronic pain disorders such as:
Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Bursitis, Frozen shoulder, Migraines.
Acupuncture stimulates the production of endorphins (neurochemicals which block pain), neutralize trigger points, relax muscles and block transmission of pain signals to the brain and unblock congestion in the affected area. It increases the blood flow to help with the healing process and reduces inflammation. It is a non-invasive, drug free option of managing your pain condition.
Sports Injury (Enhancement of Athletic Performance)
Motor point or Trigger point acupuncture is a modern form of acupuncture theory that works with the nervous system to reset muscles that have been shortened, imbalances in opposing muscle groups, and correct dysfunctional pull on joints. Acupuncture reduces inflammation and pain and increases circulation to the area of injury thereby promoting healing.
Gynecology and Hormonal Health
Traditional Chinese medicine can treat menstrual disorders such as PMS, irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods safely and effectively with no side effects. For conditions such as heavy bleeding and/or pain associated with fibroids, endometriosis. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness and low libido can be effectively relieved with TCM.
Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or through reproductive assistance, acupuncture can help optimize your fertility. TCM helps regulate your menstrual cycle, improve blood flow to your reproductive organs, calms the mind and reduces stress in the mind and body. Acupuncture has been shown to improve IVF success rates too. Infertility can be stressful on the body and mind, incorporating Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine into your treatment plan can improve you success.
Acupuncture is safe and effective in all trimesters of a woman’s pregnancy, the treatment is relatively painless and there are no adverse side effects for either you or your baby. If you find acupuncture relaxing and useful, feel free have acupuncture as much as you like. However, most pregnant women visit us as needed and I encourage them to use me as a resource coming in when they are uncomfortable.
Pregnancy is not an illness and most women do not need regular ongoing treatment. However acupuncture can be an excellent choice to address common pregnancy ailments in a safe, gentle, drug-free manner.
The First Trimester
Acupuncture is effective for: Fatigue; Morning Sickness; Constipation; Headaches and Nausea
The Second Trimester
Acupuncture can be effective for: Heartburn; Edema(swelling); Excessive weight gain; Hemorrhoid; Back pain and High blood pressure
For hemorrhoids acupuncture and a soothing herbal balm can be effective and can treat edema and heart burn. Along with your doctor we can help you with high blood pressure.
The Third Trimester
Acupuncture can be effective for: Back pain;Pelvic pain; Sciatic pain; Breech position; Labour Preparation and Induction of labor (if necessary)
Acupuncture is a great way of relieving your discomfort without having to resort to pharmaceuticals.
Breech Baby
If your baby is breech it is worth coming in for moxibustion. There is a proven technique that involves burning an herb above the small toe that has been shown in trails to be an effective method of turning breech babies. In some clinical trials it has been found to be effective 67% of the time.
What it does is relax the uterine walls a little so that the baby has more room to move. Some babies follow their instinct and use this space to move head downwards and some don’t. Personally I have found it hard to get the desired effect after the 37th week.
Pre-Birth Acupuncture & Labour Preparation
Acupuncture staring within weeks 36/37 done on a weekly basis addresses positional issues of the baby (breech), ripens the cervix, and helps create a more timely and efficient labour. It has been shown to reduce the incidence of C section and prolonged labour time and reduction of pain during labour. Employing acupuncture/acupressure during labour may reduce the need for pain medications and help the mother stay relaxed. Postpartum acupuncture is effective in the re-balancing of hormones and restoring physical balance - treating conditions such as depression, anxiety and breast- feeding issues.