Children's Chinese Herbal Remedies
Safe and Natural Herbal Remedies to help your little ones.
Conditions treated range from Ear Ache and Sore Throat, to Allergies and Runny noses to preventative medicine to strengthen the immune system and ward off potential colds.
Such formulas include:
Children's Ear Formula
To be taken orally. Do not put in ear.
Ear infection with pain in infants and young children
Eardrum, inflamed or bulging without pain
This formula is an alternative to antibiotics, which increase the chance of a recurrence of the ear infection within 6 weeks. If ear infection is not responsive in 24 hours, consult your healthcare provider. Children's Ear Formula addresses the branch-the acute symptoms. When pain eases, the root problem should be treated as well.
Supporting Children's Health with Chinese Herbs
Allergies, Common cold prevention, Fatigue, mild
Immune System weakness
Should you wish to discuss something more specific or have any questions please feel free to contact me.