Traditional Chinese Medicine is a system of medicine that is comprised of multiple working parts including Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, dietary therapy, tui~na massage and lifestyle advice. In clinical practice over the last 2000 years, TCM is a complete medical system that is based on complete diagnosis including tongue and pulse and is used to treat and prevent a wide variety of conditions including pain, athletic injury, stroke, fertility, pregnancy care, women's health and mental health, specifically stress and PTSD.
Why Try Acupuncture?
It is unique to you, the individual. This is one of the great benefits to you and strengths of Chinese Medicine. At the same time one does not need a Western diagnosis to treat symptoms - thus helping those individual who have 'no known condition' - Chinese medicine can help. Therefore, whether you have a new health concern or a chronic condition and are looking for new treatment options, are focused on stress management or are being proactive with disease prevention, Chinese medicine may be the right choice for you.
Areas of Focus
Pain - Acupuncture is supported by the World Health Organization and Western Medicine for it's ability to relieve pain and help manage chronic pain disorders such as:
Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Bursitis, Frozen shoulder, Migraines.
Acupuncture stimulates the production of endorphins (neurochemicals which block pain), neutralize trigger points, relax muscles and block transmission of pain signals to the brain and unblock congestion in the affected area. It increases the blood flow to help with the healing process and reduces inflammation. It is a non-invasive, drug free option of managing your pain condition.
Sports Injury (Enhancement of Athletic Performance)
Motor point or Trigger point acupuncture is a modern form of acupuncture theory that works with the nervous system to reset muscles that have been shortened, imbalances in opposing muscle groups, and correct dysfunctional pull on joints. Acupuncture reduces inflammation and pain and increases circulation to the area of injury thereby promoting healing.
Gynecology and Hormonal Health
Traditional Chinese medicine can treat menstrual disorders such as PMS, irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods safely and effectively with no side effects. For conditions such as heavy bleeding and/or pain associated with fibroids, endometriosis. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness and low libido can be effectively relieved with TCM.
Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or through reproductive assistance, acupuncture can help optimize your fertility. TCM helps regulate your menstrual cycle, improve blood flow to your reproductive organs, calms the mind and reduces stress in the mind and body. Acupuncture has been shown to improve IVF success rates too. Infertility can be stressful on the body and mind, incorporating Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine into your treatment plan can improve you success.
Acupuncture is safe and effective in all trimesters of a woman’s pregnancy, the treatment is relatively painless and there are no adverse side effects for either you or your baby. If you find acupuncture relaxing and useful, feel free have acupuncture as much as you like. However, most pregnant women visit us as needed and I encourage them to use me as a resource coming in when they are uncomfortable.
Pregnancy is not an illness and most women do not need regular ongoing treatment. However acupuncture can be an excellent choice to address common pregnancy ailments in a safe, gentle, drug-free manner.
The First Trimester
Acupuncture is effective for: Fatigue; Morning Sickness; Constipation; Headaches and Nausea
The Second Trimester
Acupuncture can be effective for: Heartburn; Edema(swelling); Excessive weight gain; Hemorrhoid; Back pain and High blood pressure
For hemorrhoids acupuncture and a soothing herbal balm can be effective and can treat edema and heart burn. Along with your doctor we can help you with high blood pressure.
The Third Trimester
Acupuncture can be effective for: Back pain;Pelvic pain; Sciatic pain; Breech position; Labour Preparation and Induction of labor (if necessary)
Acupuncture is a great way of relieving your discomfort without having to resort to pharmaceuticals.
Breech Baby
If your baby is breech it is worth coming in for moxibustion. There is a proven technique that involves burning an herb above the small toe that has been shown in trails to be an effective method of turning breech babies. In some clinical trials it has been found to be effective 67% of the time.
What it does is relax the uterine walls a little so that the baby has more room to move. Some babies follow their instinct and use this space to move head downwards and some don’t. Personally I have found it hard to get the desired effect after the 37th week.
Pre-Birth Acupuncture & Labour Preparation
Acupuncture staring within weeks 36/37 done on a weekly basis addresses positional issues of the baby (breech), ripens the cervix, and helps create a more timely and efficient labour. It has been shown to reduce the incidence of C section and prolonged labour time and reduction of pain during labour. Employing acupuncture/acupressure during labour may reduce the need for pain medications and help the mother stay relaxed. Postpartum acupuncture is effective in the re-balancing of hormones and restoring physical balance - treating conditions such as depression, anxiety and breast- feeding issues.

Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment which has been practiced for thousands of years. It stimulates the flow of Qi and blood, relaxes muscles and creates relaxation within the nervous system. It can be likened to a deep tissue massage or myofascial release.
Cupping is used on its own or in combination with Acupuncture or Chinese herbs.
Some of the benefits of Cupping
promotes blood circulation
relieves pain
eliminates toxins
activates the lymphatic system
clears blockages
stimulates the digestive system
no side effects
Some of the common health problems Cupping can treat
Back pain
Muscular pain
Colds and flu
Gynaecological disorders
Digestive disorders
How Cupping works (click here to access a short video)
A naked flame is used on the inside of the glass cups to create a vacuum with a suction effect. The warm cups are quickly placed on the skin and left in place for approximately 10-15 minutes.
The skin will feel tight during the treatment but Cupping is not painful.
The reddening of the skin (Cupping marks) after the treatment is an indication that circulation has been brought to the surface to nourish the muscles and to allow toxins to be released through the skin. These marks are usually painless and will clear within 3 to 7 days.
Clients typically find instant relief from aching muscles and feel a better sense of well-being after the treatment.
Cupping is known to activate the lymphatic system, promote blood circulation, release toxins and is very effective for deep tissue repair. The use of Cupping in TCM is much broader than just releasing muscle pain. Cupping can also be used to treat much deeper internal health problems.

Chinese Herbal Medicine
Today, there are more than 450 substances commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine - most are of plant origin though some animal and mineral substances may also be used. You may find some in your kitchen, such as ginger, garlic and cinnamon, while others such as chrysanthemum and peony flowers, are more likely to be found in your garden!
How is Chinese herbal medicine prescribed?
Chinese herbal medicines are prescribed individual, specific to each person. They are given either, singly or in formula which take into account the individual therapeutic action of each herb and well as the effects when combined together. A well constructed formula maximizes the effectiveness for treating a particular condition, while counteracting and minimising the unwanted effects of an individual herb.
What conditions does Chinese herbal medicine treat?
A wide range of health disorders such as the common cold migraines, menopause, immune system deficiencies, adrenal fatigue, skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne and more. Chinese herbal medicine is also preventative medicine, used to assist with general health maintenance and disease prevention. By strengthening and enhancing normal body functions, the immune system is boosted and a general sense of well-being promoted.

Women's Health Issues
Women's Health is a process that is transformative over her lifetime. The Chinese measure it in increments of 7, with 14 being the onset of Puberty, 21 - 35 being a woman's most fertile and reproductive time and starting at the age of 49 her transition into peri-menopause. It is the cyclical nature of a woman's period that makes her both predictable and unpredictable.
Acupuncture has been used for the preservation of women's health in time honoured tradition for centuries.
Conditions treated by Acupuncture are: painful period, Irregular period, PCOS, menopause, pregnancy related issues, hormonal issues such as migraines, thyroid issues, hair loss.
Gynecology and Hormonal Health
Traditional Chinese medicine can treat menstrual disorders such as PMS, irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods safely and effectively with no side effects. For conditions such as heavy bleeding and/or pain associated with fibroids, endometriosis. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness and low libido can be effectively relieved with TCM.
Pre menstrual tension, period pains, gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis or ovarian cysts, fertility, pregnancy and menopause are all manifestations of the female experience and a system of medicine such as acupuncture can treat symptoms at root level rather than masking the symptoms with medication thus re-establishing balance and prevention of further progression of the condition. It can be life changing for some women to be able to eradicate PMS symptoms from their life, enabling them to feel much more at ease throughout their monthly cycle.
Painful periods are addressed with the stimulation of acupuncture points which strongly move the uterine blood flow, this can help to relax the uterus reducing the contractions which cause painful cramps as well as clearing away old blood. Overtime, many women report that their menstrual blood changes from a darker red to a brighter colour....cleaner blood, like water runs a lot more smoothly.
Acupuncture is used to enhance a woman's natural fertility used in fertility treatment and its effect on the endocrine and reproductive system can greatly boost natural fertility as well as enhancing the chances of assisted reproduction techniques such as IVF and IUI
Emotional support is a major factor during any fertility journey and the relaxation benefits of acupuncture as well as a practitioner you can talk openly with about how you feel can be an invaluable support. Once conception has been achieved, pregnancy is seen as key transitional time and an opportunity when a woman's health can really be boosted with Acupuncture.
The post natal period in particular is considered to be a very important time to nourish a new mother. Treatment at this time would involve the use of points aimed at relaxation, aiding sleep and boosting energy levels as well as points which balance the reproductive area. Other post natal symptoms such as low energy, emotional changes, mastitis and post caesarean healing can also be treated successfully. Acupuncture points are like gateway's which open up the flow of Qi and blood, clearing away stagnation to allow room for the new, nourishing the body and calming the mind.
Our bodies are like diagnostic maps, an external mirror of what is happening inside the body, physically, mentally and emotionally. Careful observation of the tongue, pulse, complexion and other physical symptoms allows the practitioner to form a treatment plan specific to the individual.
Acupuncture is an energetic medicine and treatment is so much more than the insertion of the needles into the points, additional healing tools can include:
Moxibustion - a warming, smouldering herb used to warm and nourish the body at different points, encouraging blood circulation and boosting immunity;
Lifestyle advice - diet and incorporation of Chinese dietary principles to help balance a person's presenting condition, Qi gong exercises to help strengthen Qi and meditation or visualization to calm the mind.

Fertility Acupuncture
Acupuncture is used to enhance a woman's natural fertility used in fertility treatment and its effect on the endocrine and reproductive system can greatly boost natural fertility as well as enhancing the chances of assisted reproduction techniques such as IVF and IUI.
Emotional support is a major factor during any fertility journey and the relaxation benefits of acupuncture as well as a practitioner you can talk openly with about how you feel can be an invaluable support. Once conception has been achieved, pregnancy is seen as key transitional time and an opportunity when a woman's health can really be boosted with Acupuncture.
Preconception Acupuncture
In Chinese medicine, the idea behind conception is to nourish the soil before planting the seeds to optimize the health of the baby-to-be and the success of pregnancy.
In order to boost fertility and optimize the health of you and your baby-to-be, traditional Chinese medicine recommends that you give yourself 3 - 4 months prior to conception. During this period of preparation, hormone levels and overall health of your body, affect the development and health of the potential egg. In addition, the uterine lining is prepped for optimal thickness and receptivity.
A combination of fertility acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary therapy and stress reduction. This combination of tools are specifically designed, unique to you. The goal is to, in you, create the best possible environment providing your egg the optimum environment for fertilization, implantation and growth.
Who is it For?
The preconception program is for women who:
-want to boost their fertility naturally
- no success with IVF and want to try a natural alternative
- want to attempt IVF in multiple cycles.

Pregnancy Related Acupuncture
Gynecology and Hormonal Health
Traditional Chinese medicine can treat menstrual disorders such as PMS, irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods safely and effectively with no side effects. For conditions such as heavy bleeding and/or pain associated with fibroids, endometriosis. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness and low libido can be effectively relieved with TCM.
Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or through reproductive assistance, acupuncture can help optimize your fertility. TCM helps regulate your menstrual cycle, improve blood flow to your reproductive organs, calms the mind and reduces stress in the mind and body. Acupuncture has been shown to improve IVF success rates too. Infertility can be stressful on the body and mind, incorporating Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine into your treatment plan can improve you success.
Pregnancy Related Acupuncture
Acupuncture is safe and effective in all trimesters of a woman’s pregnancy, the treatment is relatively painless and there are no adverse side effects for either you or your baby. If you find acupuncture relaxing and useful, feel free have acupuncture as much as you like. However, most pregnant women visit us as needed and I encourage them to use me as a resource coming in when they are uncomfortable.
Pregnancy is not an illness and most women do not need regular ongoing treatment. However acupuncture can be an excellent choice to address common pregnancy ailments in a safe, gentle, drug-free manner.
The First Trimester
• Fatigue
• Morning Sickness
• Constipation
• Headaches and nausea
In the first trimester, it is common to have pregnant woman come in for acupuncture. Many women struggle with fatigue and nausea at this time. Usually they haven’t told friends and colleagues about their pregnancy yet so they struggle to act as if everything is normal whilst feeling strange and off-kilter. It can feel like a bit of a battle. Acupuncture can help with the fatigue and has been shown in clinical trials to be effective for nausea and vomiting.
A study of women who had been hospitalized for severe pregnancy vomiting showed that acupuncture was a useful treatment. Researchers randomly assigned 33 women to acupuncture treatments at a specific point (PC6) on the underside of the wrist, or to sham treatments at a different spot. After two days, all treatments were stopped for two days to allow any effects to dissipate. Then the groups were reversed for two more days of treatment. Before treatment all women were vomiting. On day three, only seven out of seventeen women (41 percent) receiving active acupuncture were still vomiting compared with 12 out of 16 (75 percent) receiving sham treatment. After the active and sham groups were switched, more of the women receiving active treatment stopped vomiting.
Some women also suffer from headaches and migraines at this stage and find acupuncture to be a useful way of addressing them. The other common problem that women complain of is constipation. There are acupuncture points to help this although as my mother would swear to a little prune juice goes a long way.
The Second Trimester
• Heartburn
• Edema
• Excessive weight gain
• Hemorrhoids
• Back pain
• High blood pressure
The list above might seem like the first trimester is easier, however, by the second trimester women are feeling much better, and come in less frequently
As your baby grows, however, you may start to feel the strain on your back. Acupuncture has been shown in several clinical trials to be a safe and effective way of relieving pregnancy related back pain
For hemorrhoids acupuncture and a soothing herbal balm can be effective and can treat edema and heart burn. Along with your doctor we can help you with high blood pressure.
The Third Trimester
• Back pain, Pelvic pain
• Vulva Varices
• Breech position
• Labour Preparation and Induction of labor (if necessary)
It is in this trimester that acupuncture’s ability to gently relieve pain comes into its own. I always caution my patients to look after their back at this time and not to lift anything heavy. The combination of your ligaments softening in preparation for labor and your centre of gravity being pulled off by a big bump makes you susceptible to back injury. Acupuncture is a great way of relieving your discomfort without having to resort to pharmaceuticals.
Breech Baby
If your baby is breech it is worth coming in for moxibustion. There is a proven technique that involves burning an herb above the small toe that has been shown in trails to be an effective method of turning breech babies. In some clinical trials it has been found to be effective 67% of the time.
How does a ‘burning herb’ work on turning a baby… and it’s important to note that the techniques does not miraculously pivot the baby. What it does is relax the uterine walls a little so that the baby has more room to move. Some babies follow their instinct and use this space to move head downwards and some don’t. Personally I have found it hard to get the desired effect after the 37th week.
I use electro-stimulation to stimulate contractions and in many cases this gets a sluggish labor started without the need for a chemical induction. I always tell my patients to come in and see me in the last month of their pregnancy so that I can prepare them for labor. I do acupuncture to relax the pelvic muscles and near the big day I needle acupuncture points that help dilate the cervix. Labor is an unpredictable event so I can’t promise anything but patients that we have prepared do, on the whole, seem to have shorter and easier labours.
Pre-Birth Acupuncture & Labour Preparation
Acupuncture staring within weeks 36/37 done on a weekly basis addresses positional issues of the baby (breech), ripens the cervix, and helps create a more timely and efficient labour. It has been shown to reduce the incidence of C section and prolonged labour time and reduction of pain during labour. Employing acupuncture/acupressure during labour may reduce the need for pain medications and help the mother stay relaxed. Postpartum acupuncture is effective in the re-balancing of hormones and restoring physical balance - treating conditions such as depression, anxiety and breast- feeding issues.
Shonishin - Needle-less Acupuncture for Children
Shonishin is a gentle non-invasive treatment that involves techniques of stroking, rubbing, pressing and tapping in specific patterns of specific points and areas of the body. These techniques serve to harmonize and boost a child’s vital energy. Tracing its roots back to 17th century Osaka in Japan (and ultimately to ancient China), this specialized acupuncture technique was developed specifically for infants and children up to the age of seven.
Shonishin corrects underlying imbalances, not just suppress symptoms. The body is more whole, more alive after this work.
Shonishin can treat a variety of conditions including: colic, GERD, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, sleep problems, allergies, ADHD, vomit (reflux).
Shonishin is administered quickly, usually with 15 - 20 minutes and is typically performed with the child clothed or just wearing a diaper. The technique is most effective when given several times per week until the symptoms are alleviated. Once the primary health concern is addressed, treatments may continue on a limited protracted basis to prevent recurrence. While the initial treatments are administered by the acupuncturist, many procedures can be performed by the child’s parents at home (a silver teaspoon makes an ideal home-based Shonishin tool). The techniques are quickly and easily learned, allowing the parents to perform daily treatments between visits.
Regular Shonishin treatments help to strengthen the parent-child relationship and can improve the spiritual and emotional development of the child. Regular daily preventative massage done by the parents may increase circulation of qi and blood, and may strengthen the child’s immune system. Then soothing, relaxing massage can also improve sleep and eating habits. And has even shown to help a child be more effective at school.

Acupressure for Labour

This 90-minute workshop will teach soon-to-be moms and their partners useful acupressure techniques to use during labour. Acupressure can help manage pain and support dilation and contraction; the mind can be calmed, it can encourage labour to progress if slowed or stopped, and it can assist with pains post labour.
This hands-on courseencourages partner involvement and support. A manual will be provided to participants for easy point location and reference.
This course is best attended within the last 5 weeks of pregnancy.
Please contact Jill for further information and registration.
Children's Chinese Herbal Remedies
Safe and Natural Herbal Remedies to help your little ones.
Conditions treated range from Ear Ache and Sore Throat, to Allergies and Runny noses to preventative medicine to strengthen the immune system and ward off potential colds.
Such formulas include:
Children's Ear Formula
To be taken orally. Do not put in ear.
Ear infection with pain in infants and young children
Eardrum, inflamed or bulging without pain
This formula is an alternative to antibiotics, which increase the chance of a recurrence of the ear infection within 6 weeks. If ear infection is not responsive in 24 hours, consult your healthcare provider. Children's Ear Formula addresses the branch-the acute symptoms. When pain eases, the root problem should be treated as well.
Supporting Children's Health with Chinese Herbs
Allergies, Common cold prevention, Fatigue, mild
Immune System weakness
Should you wish to discuss something more specific or have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Mental Health, Stress & PTSD
We have all experienced it. And for the most part we all live with stress on a daily basis. This stress can be a base line of impact of every day activities including the demands of work, the demands of relationships, the demands of modern complexity interspersed with moments that cause it to increase or decrease one's stress level.
Acupuncture has been shown to effectively reduce stress by tapping into the biological systems that keep stress under control. The acupuncture helps recalibrate, or normalize the stress hormone levels and calm the autonomic nervous system - the bodies flight or fight response. So instead the body being in a constant state of anxiety, the acupuncture dials down the heightened stress response and return it toward normal levels.
It is a great idea to incorporate acupuncture as a regular part of your life to help regulate your stress hormones and calm your nervous system allowing your body, your brain and your health to be at its optimum.
Time Magazine Article - Needle This: Study Hints at How Acupuncture Works to Relieve Stress
Mental Well-being and Stress - an article from HealthMedicince Institute.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a complex condition that affects at least 7 - 8% of the population, in particular those who work on the front lines of safety and wellbeing such as law enforcement, and the military.
The symptoms of PTSD are multi-layered ranging from poor sleep to emotional outburst, anxiety to hyper-vigilance and pain. One of the ways acupuncture affects PTSD is by improving sleep and sleep quality of the individuals and by helping the autonomic nervous system to down regulate and reset, so that the stress experienced by the body and the individual is reduced.
Studies have also shown that acupuncture directly affects areas of the brain: the the hippocampus and the amygdala. The hippocampus processes memory, and in executing this function, recruits the amygdala to create behaviours that allow the psyche to maintain a defensive distance from small or large traumas.
Chronic stress from PTSD can create a loss of volume of the hippocampus, reducing the amygdala’s ability to adapt and accommodate the need for behavioural adaptation. The result is that the autonomic nervous system is under constant arousal and intense emotions are linked to incompletely processed memories -- therefore the body is continual reacting to triggers the trauma.
Acupuncture treatments, done on a regular, weekly basis have resulted in better sleep, reduced panic attacks and anxiety, a reduction in hyper-vigilance and a reduction in pain and tension within the body.
Ear acupuncture in particular has been shown to be an extremely effective aspect of this treatment, using an protocol called NADA. Five points are used in the ear with a couple additional points. The individual rests in a quiet room and can remained clothed in the treatment if that is their preference.
Ear acupuncture is a non-verbal techinque that helps the body process the trauma and works excellently in conjunction with cognitive behaviour therapy or talk therapy.
It is in regular practice for members of the American Military and its Veterans. Please refer to the article, Acupuncture and PTSD, "Come for the Needles and Stay for the Therapy"
Jill has treated many members of Veterans Affairs ranging from the RCMP, Police, Fire and Canadian Forces.