Chinese Herbal Medicine
Today, there are more than 450 substances commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine - most are of plant origin though some animal and mineral substances may also be used. You may find some in your kitchen, such as ginger, garlic and cinnamon, while others such as chrysanthemum and peony flowers, are more likely to be found in your garden!
How is Chinese herbal medicine prescribed?
Chinese herbal medicines are prescribed individual, specific to each person. They are given either, singly or in formula which take into account the individual therapeutic action of each herb and well as the effects when combined together. A well constructed formula maximizes the effectiveness for treating a particular condition, while counteracting and minimising the unwanted effects of an individual herb.
What conditions does Chinese herbal medicine treat?
A wide range of health disorders such as the common cold migraines, menopause, immune system deficiencies, adrenal fatigue, skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne and more. Chinese herbal medicine is also preventative medicine, used to assist with general health maintenance and disease prevention. By strengthening and enhancing normal body functions, the immune system is boosted and a general sense of well-being promoted.